It’s Okay to be proud you overcame breastfeeding hurdles

Breastfeeding isn't always straightforward and easy. In fact, most parents experience challenges in establishing breastfeeding and some struggle maintaining it.

Many breastfeeding advocates play down the difficulties as they fear putting people off even trying. Which is probably true for some people but the majority of parents want to breastfeed their baby.

It's not really breastfeeding which is overwhelming but the environment modern women have to learn this natural technique in. Without the support of experienced role models in their immediate family they have to rely on midwives, child health nurses, lactation consultants and breastfeeding counsellors to guide them. And dedicated as these all are, none can be with the mother and baby 24/7. That role often falls to a partner, friend or family member who likely has even less knowledge of how breastfeeding works.

Society's expectations of breastfeeding mothers are unrealistic. Discharged from hospital with little experience of putting their baby to their own breast, often on a regime of pumping and topping up with formula, mothers are set up for failure. Delays in available support, waiting lists and financial barriers in accessing IBCLC lactation consultants and general misgivings about milk supply, attachment and infant sleep lead to many parents sadly ceasing breastfeeding.

Society's failure to effectively support every family in immediate and practical assistance when they need it for as long as they need it is the real reason breastfeeding goals are not being met. Lack of funding, poor accessibility and insufficient support to new mothers are all things beyond the parent's control and are the responsibility of governments at Federal, State and Local level.

Every mother who establishes and maintains exclusive breastfeeding despite the hurdles they must jump deserves to be proud. She is not judging others but celebrating her own success in reaching her own goals.


Four Month Monsters


Formula is not the same as breastfeeding: in the second year